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Guest Speaker:  William Somer

Last Update: 10/22/2014
John Williams

William Somer

Recovery Efforts for Paiute Cutthroat

William Somer holds a BA in Aquatic Biology from University of California, Santa Barbara, and a MS in Fisheries Science from Humboldt State University.  He worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a graduate student at the Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, then for the Arcata Klamath River Project and the Trinity River Flow Study.  He started with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in 1988 as a district biologist in the Sacramento Valley.  He currently works on native trout restoration and wild trout management as a Senior Environmental Scientist on the Heritage and Wild Trout Project.  Mr. Somer is a Certified Fisheries Professional recognized by the American Fisheries Society.


WHEN:  November 3, 2014, 7PM


WHERE:  Sequoia Elementary

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